Thursday, July 17, 2008

The Adventure Begins

Everyone of us is a JourneyMan. We are born. We navigate the difficult journey of life. At some point our life comes to an end. Each of us has a story to tell.

In the stories, poems and other short pieces which will appear in this blog, we will explore different slices of life to discover what really happens out there in the world. We will intrude into the hidden moments in the lives of people we don't know and have never met. If we can look upon their experiences with compassion and objectivity, perhaps we can begin to get a sense of the impact of the events in their lives on each person. And maybe the world outside will even begin to make a little more sense to us. Strangely, we are better able to understand how the world works in the story of one person than in the history of what happened collectively to six million people.

David Merrick, the well-known Broadway producer, wrote, "The best [song] lyrics are always the simple ones; and a capacity for meaningful simplicity [demands] great talent." That is no less true for anyone who aspires to be a wordsmith. The trademark of my stories will be brevity and meaningful simplicity, as time is a scarce commodity in the age of information and insights which touch our very soul even scarcer.

So the journey begins. I will spin the tales as they come to me. Let me know if you are enjoying these modest attempts to peer into usually hidden corners of the world. Let me hear from you if you do.

Kindest regards,

Howard Fireman

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